barrels o' fun - reviews
I'm gonna break this up into two parts and combine to score for the total.
The Idea.
Well I'm always one for new things. If something never has been done and you think outside the box and do it, It will most likely bring an enjoyable pwad to the community. This is very interesting. Every player's skin is replaced to a barrel and there all barrels all over the map making it hard to spot other players. It brings new strategies into play like standing still ect. I like the idea and I think it was creative. It was an original idea overall. props to Millian.
Idea gets a 9/10
The Maps.
I look at GamePlay more than anything in a map. If you don't have that the map is nothing.
Some were good and some were bad.
map01: This map was a little small and cramped, but it was very playable. I think it is best suited for 6 players max if not less. The overall layout is decent and has good GamePlaY. Detail was at a good level also.
map02: Bad-ass map I think. Size was perfect, GamePlaY is is at a large scale here. Detail was not too little and not too much. I like the barrels on the conveyor-belt also, very nice idea.
map03: Size was Good. GamePlaY was was good. Nothing in it to make it memorable though. Weapon placemeant was good also.
map04: This map has a very nice layout to it. It looks nice though a few textures seem out of place. Weapon placement was damn good, and it seems to have a lot going on in it.
map05: Some places felt tight but overall there was some breathing room. weapon placement was good and the size was very good. There wasn't a lot of different textures though so it kinda felt on the bland side to me. and also that bfg room silver just doesn't look right to me..
map06: This one had a nice feel to it. I find it enjoyable to play on. It had a steady theme to it. GamePlaY is good here to my standards and weapon placement was good as well.
map07: I found this map kinda weird. It's pretty much the same thing with nothing mixed up. It isn't really a bad map. The detail is good but when you have little GamePlaY to a map detail won't save you don't you think?
map08: Sweet but short: This map was tighter than a Tokyo train during rush hour.............No GamePlaY.
map09: This map is really good :) Has a lot going on and weapon placement is great. Nothing much more I can say. Gotta love that music.
map10: I found this map annoying huge and dark. If you can overcome the huge room this map is very playable. I kinda really didn't agree with the weapon placement also.
maps get 7/10
Overall This wad will give you enjoyment, I'm sure of it. I played a little bit online and I think it was funny just because all the tricks you can pull off. I kinda disagreed with a few of the maps as well, but don't let that few get to you because the others brightens this wad a lot.
The Good: New Idea that is fun.
The Bad: A few maps can piss you off.
The Ugly: Map08.
Overall: 8/10