the zodiac deathmatch - reviews
Well, this week's only multi-level deathmatch WAD is quite an unusual one: The map layouts are themed around the signs of the zodiac. Not like I believe in that star sign crap, but I find it quite interesting that it made its way into a Doom WAD. Anyway, the layouts are gimmicky at best as they don't really have the best flow. The detail is something that needs improvement overall, but the thing that intrigued me the most was the music. For a deathmatch WAD, it's awfully pleasant to listen to, which kind of gives the WAD a bit of a relaxed environment.
A 25-map wad with an unusual concept - each map is themed around a star sign, having the appropriate
shape and texturing (each star sign has an element - earth, fire, air or water). Quirky ZDoom features
are in a lot of the maps, and some even have monsters, too. Altogether it creates a weird atmosphere,
but one that isn't too bad.
The gameplay side is a bit mixed, the weapon placement varies a lot and so will the battles. Sometimes
you'll be fighting in unusual conditions and weapons take turns to dominate. Some layouts are
questionable too, but these are star signs, and the two zodiac cycles (each star sign appears twice)
differ enough from each other. Most maps work out pretty well though, if not for competition, at least
for fun. Kinda like the Nutty series really.
It's not conventional and some maps don't really work, but if you fancy something a little different as
well as a bunch of maps that all play different to each other, then look this way.
maybe i'm too biased to be writing this as i'm personal friends with the author. the fact remains that
i'm also most qualified as the person who's spent most time playing this after him - and it still rocks!
i happened to play some last night with a group of Zodiac veterans as well as some fresh meat in and i
was particularly amazed that i was still seeing things in the gameplay that had never occured before
after 2years of playing.
this WAD is almost two seperate entitites. there is the first cycle of signs which are almost vanilla
format and then in the second cycle it gets a bit Zdoomier (and Nuttier too). the thing that stands out
in all the maps is the variety of themes. whether it's a snowy landscape, a garden or something infernal
they are all pretty distinct and oh-so-vibrant looking but the detail and texturing isn't overbearing and
the fresh looks that existing Doom2 textures give are really stunning here.
these are well decorated, solid layouts which are a breath of fresh air after all the sodding BROWNGRN
that ensures so many maps will never be remembered. the Virgo maps are perhaps visually the most
appealing. (the layouts of these also insipred me into working on a new project ;>)
there is an extra music file for these maps which contains original OGGs created specially for them.
these tunes have been recreated in the main game WAD as MIDIs and have been very skillfully translated
so they lose as little as possible. not every tune seemed like the best fit or even in some cases as if
it would fit ANY Doom map XD but still, that's some work there and hopefully a serious inspiration to
everyone who can't be bothered to replace the standard tunes or who use the same damn MIDIs as everyone
there are not just replaced sounds and music here but a lot of graphics work too. this includes some
monsters which spice up a few of the maps without turning the gameplay to shit and making you wonder
if you stumbled into a coop game. my only complaint here would be that the invisisphere is itself too
hard to see - this leads to a serious advantage to those who know their locations. oh and this WAD has
some of the coolest secrets around too ;>
again, the maps aren't generally overdone in detailing and having a map01 that's mainly grey ASHWALL
may raise some eyebrows but they are all consistently themed. ASHWALL2 might reek of missing textures
but what else can you really use for a cave interior? there's a crusher, some lava and a secret teleport
in this map so while it may look a little plain you already have a clue you're in for some fun. a couple
of the other of the first twelve maps are also a bit too plain (map04 and map10 mainly). no map should
rely solely on good looks or special effects and the ones that don't employ them here are none the worse
for it, it just leaves the WAD feeling a little unbalanced in places.
some of the maps can seem a bit spamtastic but they're all mixed in with other styles of play. some games
may be quite BFG orientated whereas others will restrict players to nothing higher than the Rocket
Launcher. then there's a map which has nothing but plasma guns - hectic but not without some strategy.
while some of it may seem very tongue-in-cheek, experience tells me that many of the maps are as good for
duels as the are for FFA too (although some will prove pretty gruelling with lower numbers). they all
have simplistic layouts which players can grasp before their first match is over - this is not to say
that they're all simple box rooms though. there's quite the difference between 'intuitive and
uncluttered' and going out of your way to make a map as obscure and frustrating as possible ;>
making a 25-map FFA WAD as a solo project is not recommended for everyone but i don't think there are
many such packs that are as consistently playable as this. the only other WAD i play as much as this is
Greenwar, it really is up there for me. it certainly has less low points than Dwango5 :p
it's just great to see someone spend so long getting a wad in such fine shape and i'll always be eager
to see what Milian's going to cook up next.