wad reviews - llori01.wad
"DooD3.5 level 1, floor plan 1"
- Author(s):
- Llori Cool
- Year of release:
- 1998
- Map(s):
- 01
- Engine:
- Doom1
- Date of review:
- 09/10/2007
- Overall rating:
This map is a bit dull. Basically, it's a big room with two height levels and 36 monsters. You spawn in the middle of the place, and all you have to do, is run and find some weapons and ammo and shoot. You've got much room to move, so this isn't very hard.
The textfile is kind of a mystery for me. The author is talking of this map being "floor plan one of level one only" and "a small portion of the total re-write of Doom2". Pardon?
There's only one remarkable positive thing about this map, and that's the automap, which shows a well done face. But that's too little for a Doom map, I think.