Milian's Doom Site

wad reviews - sid.wad

"Suspended in Dusk"


Year of release:
01 - 04
Date of review:
Overall rating:

This is a wad of 4 maps, two shorter ones followed by two rather large maps.
Strange enough, though the author has put many details into the maps, they still look very clear and tidy. And in spite of a lot of new textures, all very well done, it looks quite Doomish.
During the game, I found many very clever layout ideas, like you're creeping through a duct of wires and suddenly somebody is shooting from behind the wires. Very often, monsters are attacking from adjacent rooms or secotrs, which gave the maps a fresh gameplay and which made me being alert all the time.
The secrets are well done, too. (Hint: you should knock at every terminal you find...)
The challenge is avarage, except for the last map, maybe the best of them, which is tricky and full of adrenalin, due to several Archviles and other surprises.
Ah, and the finish really impressed me. At the end, you find a small spaceship to leave the area. This spaceship is very original and I couldn't make out, how he has done that thing. It's only textures, I think, but it looks like a complex thing. It's very well done.


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