wad reviews - starpt17.wad
"Starport v1.7"
- Author(s):
- Dave Wilcoxson
- Year of release:
- 1995
- Map(s):
- 01
- Engine:
- Doom2
- Date of review:
- 01/08/2008
- Overall rating:
Considering, that this is a map from 1995, it's not bad at all. It has an avarage difficulty and is very unlinear. All areas are interconnected and there are many hidden ways between them.
It's a little pain, too, however, because of a lot of acid areas which you can't completely avoid. Plus, I didn't quite understand, why I got a BFG at the end. Maybe I've missed some harder monsters in secret areas? The hardest baddies I've encountered were a Revenant and some Mancubi.