wad reviews - vrack2b.wad
"Vrack 2"
- Author(s):
- Fredrik Johansson
- Year of release:
- 2001
- Map(s):
- 01
- Engine:
- Doom2
- Date of review:
- 08/27/2007
- Overall rating:
This is a very big map with tons of monsters and nicely detailed tech-ambience.
When I reached the exit, there were still 100 monsters alive and I wondered, where they could be. So I returned and found two enormous clouds of Cacos and Cyberdemons in areas, where I'd already been. You could call this a gameplay bug, but well, it didn't diminish the fun.
The secrets are quite hard to find (I only made 50%), but they aren't overly necessary anyway. Though the battles are rough in places, it's never too hard, because you're provided with a lot of health and ammo.
If you want to spend a whole evening or night in hell, you should try this map.