wad reviews - warcade5.wad
"The Satanic City"
- Author(s):
- Sam Ketner
- Year of release:
- 1999
- Map(s):
- 01
- Engine:
- ZDoom
- Date of review:
- 08/07/2005
- Overall rating:
Well, this map is certainly no summer vacation. It's a very small, but bold and fast-paced
map. It's loaded with action from the first second on. When the map starts, you better
sprint and search for some weapon.
The sight of this fortress-like area is overwhelming. The texturing is great and the sounds...
oh, wow!... stunning, rusty, weighty doors, lifts and crushers all around you.
This masterpiece is the last of a series of 5 wads. I'll download the rest now and let you
know, when I've played them.