wad reviews - aoddoom1.wad
"Army of Darkness Doom TC"
- Author(s):
- Various
- Year of release:
- 1995
- Map(s):
- E2M1, E3M1 - E3M9
- Engine:
- Doom1/ Ultimate Doom
- Date of review:
- 06/09/2007
- Overall rating:
This is a one episode "Army of Darkness" total conversion for Doom 1 and it has everything, a TC needs: monsters, weapons, textures, sprites, music and sounds and they're all done very well.
The game is set in a gothic ambience, with cemetries and castles, except for the last map which is playing in a shopping mall and which reminded me of Zombies TC.
The sounds are taken from the film, I think, which is a two-edged sword, because it's easy to get tired of the same quotes over and over again, but it was quite ok after all.
The maps' size are mixed, with some being rather large and the rest being very small. Challenge was avarage after I got used to the new monsters.
And I liked the music very much.
Two things bothered me, however: the monsters are well done, but there are only 6 or 7 types of them, and they are all present from the beginning, thus there's no progression during the episode and no surprises for you.
Plus, there's a bug with the secret map, which can be accessed from map 07 and which will lead you back to map 07 again.
In total, this is a very impressive TC and as a serious Doomer, you definitely should play this if you haven't already.