wad reviews - cthdrlse.wad
"Catedral del Espiritu Sancto"
- Author(s):
- Jordan J. Wales
- Year of release:
- 1996
- Map(s):
- 01
- Engine:
- Doom2
- Date of review:
- 09/28/2006
- Overall rating:
This map is undefinable. It's not hard, but not easy either; maybe it's hard in an annoying way (Chaingunners, Pain Elementals...)
It's not beautiful, but not ugly either. There are some signs of detail and the author put some effort into his work; but on the other hand, there are misaligned textures and insane texturing. And a strange yellowish fog is lying on the hole map.
There are 20 secrets, but all are lying in the same hidden area. Most monsters and a key are in this secret area, so maybe it's not that secret at all.
Oh yes, and the climax of the map is a megasphere and plasma gun. It's not so obvious how to get them and I'm glad, I didn't find the solution at the beginning, because, when you press the switch, the sphere goes down and down and down, into a deep, deep pit from which you can't escape. And when I idclipped out of that pit, I saw, that not only the pit, but the whole map went down, which really made me laugh.
Play this, it's crazy. Unfortunately in an unintended way...