wad reviews - naval.wad
"Naval Battle"
- Author(s):
- Jacek Dobrzyniecki
- Year of release:
- 2005
- Map(s):
- 01
- Engine:
- Doom2
- Date of review:
- 07/29/2005
- Overall rating:
As the name suggests, this map is playing on a ship, an idea which I like very much (I tried
something similar in The Cult).
The map is quite short, but it's a nice challenge. Most of the time you're on your way
with the shotgun only and find yourself confronted with tough enemies in small rooms.
So, gameplay is short but enjoyable. However, the map has a very weak point: the lack
of any detailing. Most rooms are square with bare walls. There's no lighting and almost no
decoration. I'm sorry to say, that the author wasted an idea that otherwise could have been
a really nice map.