wad reviews - barista.wad
- Author(s):
- Brendon Chung
- Year of release:
- 2004
- Map(s):
- 01
- Engine:
- ZDoom
- Date of review:
- 10/19/2006
- Overall rating:
So, here we have something very special again.
It's a total conversion with not just a PWAD but it's coming with its own IWAD, too.
Gameplay is radically changed with a lot of scripting, and it's done very good. You're told to fulfill some tasks before you can leave the space station with a ship.
This mod has new textures, new weapons, new sounds and new monsters and it's all done quite skillfully. Very cute.
But I had two problems with this map: the first is just a regret that the map is quite short. The second problem is with the monsters, because they're very cartoonish and don't fit quite well into the wad. But of course, new monsters (with new sprites) is one of the hardest things to do.
Good work overall.